Will-Z---Rabbit-Hole Wiltshire: The spirits of the deceased lunatics that were once residents of Roundway asylum continue to visit me nightly. Such spectral visitations disconcerted my slightly at first but now I embrace their company. It is as if they are attempting to tell me something of vital importance yet they are doing it in phases as a if a puzzle; I am beginning to believe they may be intending to use my form as a vessel to fulfil some sort of aim though all remains vague. They have, however, confirmed to me that the Police Headquarters was built in this particular settlement due to the higher rate of neurotics present than in other towns - this being an asylum town - and the authorities were terrified of the possibility of subversion on behalf of the neurotic minority. Us schizophrenics are an anarchic bunch at the best of times; subversion and a stubborn refusal to conform is inherent in the schizoid. Even here in the age of "human rights" we remain cast out as useless-eaters forming a sub-culture with dope-fiends and beggars in a situation not dissimilar to the Middle Ages during which the Catholic Church (mainly out of fear) banished schizophrenics (although known as simply "madmen"; schizophrenia is a relatively recent term) and other neurotics from cities and market towns thus bands of schizoid beggars roamed the countryside hunting and panhandling. Often - in small villages outside of intense Catholic jurisdiction - schizoids would double-up as soothsayers prophesying to the villagers regarding the potential outcome of the next harvest. One can draw a direct correlation between the treatment of the schizoid by the Catholic Church and the treatment of the schizoid by the post-modern Psychiatric profession; the "heretic" of the era of the Inquisition has simply become the "schizophrenic" of the era of psychiatry while the Inquisitor that condemned the "heretic" has metamorphosed into the psychiatrist that condemns the "schizophrenic". The stigma that surrounds schizophrenia shall never be shed and I am predicting the return of sterilisation within the next three or four years as the authorities begin to implement their Malthusian plot. The authorities are creating dialectics in preparation for conflict and the introduction of a new Dark-Age that shall serve the agenda of the Malthusians through an inferno of blood and death. The seemingly endless conflicts in the Middle East are beginning to spill over into Europe which is exactly the scenario planned by the Malthusians as they may simultaneously profit from the chaos while watching the population decline towards their desired level. Anyone who survives the cataclysm shall be re-enslaved by the Oligarchs who shall then be termed "post-Malthusians" as the relevance of Malthus shall have decreased; at least until the aforementioned scenario arises again. The implementation of a new Dark Age has been at the forefront of the Oligarchical agenda since the completion of the Jesuit colonisation of Britain in 1815. The completion of the Jesuit colonisation in 1815 coincided with the complete takeover of the Papacy by the Jesuits in 1814. To achieve control of the Papacy the Jesuits had their asset Napoleon Bonaparte (Bonaparte was also tied to British Intelligence although this is a fact that is of no great surprise as Jesuit Intelligence and British Intelligence often worked in tandem) imprison Pope Pius VII for five years before he acquiesced to not only Jesuit control over the Papacy but also the restoration of the Jesuit Order. The restoration of the Jesuit Order was slightly farcical in some respects as although they had been suppressed the Jesuit Order had never faded and indeed it seems that they may have masterminded their own demise (banishment from France 1764 / banishment from Austria 1767 / suppression by Clement XIV 1773) to set in motion their colonisation of Britain, complete takeover of the Papacy and the destruction of France as a world-power (to thenceforth forever be a pawn of Britain). In opposite fashion to the Norman colonisation of Britain whence the Norman Aristocracy chased out the Anglo-Saxon Aristocracy through murder and exile the Jesuit Oligarchy instead left the Norman Aristocracy of Britain intact and the higher-echelon families of the Jesuit Oligarchy simply bred into the Norman Aristocracy of Britain. With the Norman peerage having remained in position (indeed the Jesuit colonisation may have failed without the support of the Cecil, Howard, Weld, Percy, Hawlin, Calvert and Petty [Shelburne] families) power has effectively been divided between the Jesuit Oligarchy and the Norman Aristocracy therefore with the Papacy and the Monarchy holding equal sway. The population of the land have remained serfs within a despotic Feudal Order. Napoleon's conquest of the Holy Roman Empire saw the abdication of Francis II and the baton of "Holy Roman Emperor" / "Augustus of the Romans" passed onto George III of England and is now represented by Queen Elizabeth II. The Holy Roman Papal Empire of Londinium is itself schizoid in its diarchic allegiances to both Pontiff Maximus and Caesar as well as the occurrence of two hierarchies ruling in tandem - one fanatically Papist, the other Darwinist. What monstrosity of thought could unite Ultra-Catholic theocrats and atheistic eugenicist technocrats? Seems only the genocidal vulgarity that is Malthusianism and the genesis of a synthetic Dark Age...
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Will-Z---Rabbit-Hole: Wiltshire'z demonik dual-Dukedomz...
The settlement of Devizes is located on the edge of the fiefdom of the Marquess of Salisbury (a mile or so from the border with the fiedom of the Marquess of Lansdowne) who is a member of the House of Cecil-Pallavacini y [the current holder of the title is Robert Michael James Gascoyne-Cecil, 7th Marquess of Salisbury. The fiefdom of the Marquess of Salisbury contains Porton Down - NATO's largest biochemical weapons plant [Britain's Area-51] where they create mutants, diseases, nerve-agents, synthetic drugs that they test in nearby towns with the aim of mind control etc - and Salisbury Plain where Porton Down's weapons are tested. A vast labyrinth of underground tunnels links up the underground units of Porton Down and run all across Wiltshire. The other main fiefdom in the Wiltshire area is that of the Marquess of Lansdowne the head of the House of Petty-Fitzmaurice (current holder being Charles Maurice Petty-FitzMaurice, 9th Marquess of Lansdowne) and the main house of the Marquess of Lansdowne is Bowood House which contains the Mi6 war rooms beneath ground level. The Marquess of Lansdowne family continuum have controlled Mi6 since the 1700's and the town I used to live in - Calne - is located ten minutes away from here (my town now - Devizes - is in the fiefdom of the Marquess of Salisbury whereas my former town - Calne - was located in the fiefdom of the Marquess of Lansdowne) and is a training site for new Mi6 field-operatives - both towns are also testing sites for Porton Down created synthetic drugs and indeed a lot of the training of Mi6 operatives involves watching how the local dope-fiends are reacting to the new synthetic substances. As well as being the handlers of Mi6 the family that are entitled the Marquess of Lansdowne also played a very important role in the creation of the Royal Society and Scottish Rite Freemasonry...
Friday, February 14, 2020
Will-Z---Rabbit-Hole: Khaos in Wiltshire'z kountryside...
Will-Z---Rabbit-Hole After May 21 2020 we enter the End-Timezz and we shall be caught in a homicidal ritual-sacrifice high-druidik cannibalistik Rite indeed grooming-gangz will be operating freely across the Wiltshire countryside once the Vatican power-monolith shape-shiftzz into the HQ of the Saracenofascistik Jesuitical-Caliphate. The House of Cecil-Pallavacini shall allow their Saracen-smack-trade-trafikante proxiez to step up operationz to cauze an epidemik of rat-poizon-infested AfghanSmack and the slumz shall be in khaos and Tribulation as Mullahs spit genocidal-holokaustik hate as if they were the High-Priestzz of the Saturnalian Canaanite Priesthood themselvez rather than just the proxies of Antichrist-candidate Fethullah Gulen and the ideologies of Saracenofascizm and Al-Saud-ian Moor-oFascizm which were both born of the teachingz of Satanik Catholik Priestzz and prove the pogrom-thirsty nature of the Roman Catholik Church power-monolith and the attitudes of Romanizm towards Hebrewzz and Skitzozz...
Will-Z---Rabbit-Hole After May 21 2020 we enter the End-Timezz and we shall be caught in a homicidal ritual-sacrifice high-druidik cannibalistik Rite indeed grooming-gangz will be operating freely across the Wiltshire countryside once the Vatican power-monolith shape-shiftzz into the HQ of the Saracenofascistik Jesuitical-Caliphate. The House of Cecil-Pallavacini shall allow their Saracen-smack-trade-trafikante proxiez to step up operationz to cauze an epidemik of rat-poizon-infested AfghanSmack and the slumz shall be in khaos and Tribulation as Mullahs spit genocidal-holokaustik hate as if they were the High-Priestzz of the Saturnalian Canaanite Priesthood themselvez rather than just the proxies of Antichrist-candidate Fethullah Gulen and the ideologies of Saracenofascizm and Al-Saud-ian Moor-oFascizm which were both born of the teachingz of Satanik Catholik Priestzz and prove the pogrom-thirsty nature of the Roman Catholik Church power-monolith and the attitudes of Romanizm towards Hebrewzz and Skitzozz...
Will-Z---Rabbit-Hole: Wiltshire'z future...
Dwellin' as we do in theze rural-slumz we do not realize that we are in the belly of the Beast 666 as we dwell on in the private land of the heads of the Saturnalian Canaanite Priesthood the House of Cecil-Pallavacini. Indeed here in Devizes we also have the Police HQ (one Whistleblower told me it iz the most korrupt Law-Enforcement HQ in the UK) and Green Lane Mental Hospital the former being built when the predecessor to the latter - 900-patient MK-Ultra guinea-pig site ROUNDWAY HOSPITAL - was closed down and many psych-ward patients were we-locally therefore did the House of Cecil-Pallavacini fear a Bedlamite-Skitzo uprizin' on its own private turf (arguably the Saturnalian Priesthood'z weakest point?)???? The events of May 21 2020 shall have ramifications here in Wiltshire'z slumz az the shape-shifting of the Vatican into the HQ of the Jesuitical-Caliphate shall result in grooming-gangz being given free reign with Police and Freemasonic-Courtz of law collusion indeed the UK justice system is Freemasonic-Templarik consisting of both House of Weld-oriented eugenicist holocaustic anti-Joo Protokolz-pushin' pogrom-thirsty Scottish Rite masons aka neo-Jacobitez and House of Goldschmidt-Windsor-oriented Jesuitical-Caliphate proxy masonz. We are witnessing a re-run of the conflikt between Papal-oriented Guelphs and Merovingian-HRE-oriented Ghibbelinez Indeed interestingly the House of Weld are in fakt the House of Guelph meanwhile the House of Goldschmidt are the shape-shifted House of Borgia crime-klan (founders and benefaktorz of the Jesuit-Templarzz) Indeed the House of Weld swear loyalty to the Vatican power-monolith and the pontificate of Scottish-Rite neo-Jacobite antiPope Benedikt Ratzinger meanwhile the House of Goldschmidt-Windsor are resolutely loyal to the Jesuit-Templarzz and the pontificate of reigning antiPope Francis (named after Francis Borgia ancestor of the House of Goldschmidt) and Indeed we could see an attempted neo-Jacobite coup in the Period-of-Tribulation aka End-Timezz following May 21 2020 in the form of an attempted removal of the antimonarch Elizabeth Second of the House of Goldschmidt-Windsor in favour of the genocidal holocaustic pogrom-thirsty head of the House of Stuart... Indeed neo-Jacobitez, Jesuitical-Caliphate proxy masonz and Saracenofascistz worship and imitate Baphomet and we in Wiltshire shall be caught up in their sacrificial-ritualzz thus the House of Cecil-Pallavacini shall step up the Saracen-smack-trade'z operationz in their own back-end i.e Devizes area and the House of Goldschmidt-Windsor proxiez the Moor-oFascistic grooming-gangz and traficante shall increase operations and ritualistic-rapezz hence we MUST protekt the girlzz...
Will-Z---Rabbit-Hole: UK geo-politikzz
Witness Ur-Templarzz of the Three Eyes lodge mixin' with Jesuit-Templar Antipope Papal-head of the double-headed dual-Antichrist combinin' Rosslyn-oriented Scottish Rite 33rd Degree Freemason-Templarzz with Elekt Cohen Canaan-ist Martinist Templarzz overseen by the demonic, cannibalistic eyes.of the savage anti-monarch (not my.sovereign) High-Witch dominatrix 'Kween' Elizabeth The Second pentangling Rothschildian with the ISI-traficante owning House of Goldsmith / Goldschmidt that gave us the savage High-Witch of the coven Princess K8... This pentangle in tandem with the Hellfire Clubs govern the UK through BORIS of the House of Lowe / Lowe dynasty that brought the Golem into mass-consciousness. The Archbishop of Canterbury dictates to Boris LOWE also. All are in the hands of the House of Cecil-Pallavacini and the Saturnalian Canaanite Priesthood... #devizes #SkitzMatrix ... 666
Thursday, February 13, 2020
The Papal-head of double-headed dual-Antichrist
The Papal-head of the double-headed dual-Antichrist as opposed to the Jesuit-Caliphate head. It is Guelphs and Ghibbelines i.e Papacy vs Merovingian HRE all over again with Saracenz and Moorz added for spice a la Al-Saud... 33rd degree Masonic-Templar and ritual-sacrificer cannibal priest of Baal Andrea Behring Breivik is an Agentur of this element of Babylonian Antichrist-ism and this Papal-head of the double-headed dual-Antichrist thundering forth with Vampyric bloodlust #SkitzMatrix #devizes
Peripheral Will-Z introductory babble #devizes
Will-Z introductory:
The House of Cecil-Pallavacini head the Saturnalian Canaanite Priesthood that dominate the matrix of global power and reside at Hatfield House in West Hampshire being Lords of the Manor of Devizes, Wiltshire explaining the fact that there is a huge opiate per population ratio and Saracen traficanfe-mafiosa have the small market town of Devizes on lockdown... #SkitzMatrix #devizes
The House of Cecil-Pallavacini head the Saturnalian Canaanite Priesthood that dominate the matrix of global power and reside at Hatfield House in West Hampshire being Lords of the Manor of Devizes, Wiltshire explaining the fact that there is a huge opiate per population ratio and Saracen traficanfe-mafiosa have the small market town of Devizes on lockdown... #SkitzMatrix #devizes
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