Will-Z---Rabbit-Hole Wiltshire: The spirits of the deceased lunatics that were once residents of Roundway asylum continue to visit me nightly. Such spectral visitations disconcerted my slightly at first but now I embrace their company. It is as if they are attempting to tell me something of vital importance yet they are doing it in phases as a if a puzzle; I am beginning to believe they may be intending to use my form as a vessel to fulfil some sort of aim though all remains vague. They have, however, confirmed to me that the Police Headquarters was built in this particular settlement due to the higher rate of neurotics present than in other towns - this being an asylum town - and the authorities were terrified of the possibility of subversion on behalf of the neurotic minority. Us schizophrenics are an anarchic bunch at the best of times; subversion and a stubborn refusal to conform is inherent in the schizoid. Even here in the age of "human rights" we remain cast out as useless-eaters forming a sub-culture with dope-fiends and beggars in a situation not dissimilar to the Middle Ages during which the Catholic Church (mainly out of fear) banished schizophrenics (although known as simply "madmen"; schizophrenia is a relatively recent term) and other neurotics from cities and market towns thus bands of schizoid beggars roamed the countryside hunting and panhandling. Often - in small villages outside of intense Catholic jurisdiction - schizoids would double-up as soothsayers prophesying to the villagers regarding the potential outcome of the next harvest. One can draw a direct correlation between the treatment of the schizoid by the Catholic Church and the treatment of the schizoid by the post-modern Psychiatric profession; the "heretic" of the era of the Inquisition has simply become the "schizophrenic" of the era of psychiatry while the Inquisitor that condemned the "heretic" has metamorphosed into the psychiatrist that condemns the "schizophrenic". The stigma that surrounds schizophrenia shall never be shed and I am predicting the return of sterilisation within the next three or four years as the authorities begin to implement their Malthusian plot. The authorities are creating dialectics in preparation for conflict and the introduction of a new Dark-Age that shall serve the agenda of the Malthusians through an inferno of blood and death. The seemingly endless conflicts in the Middle East are beginning to spill over into Europe which is exactly the scenario planned by the Malthusians as they may simultaneously profit from the chaos while watching the population decline towards their desired level. Anyone who survives the cataclysm shall be re-enslaved by the Oligarchs who shall then be termed "post-Malthusians" as the relevance of Malthus shall have decreased; at least until the aforementioned scenario arises again. The implementation of a new Dark Age has been at the forefront of the Oligarchical agenda since the completion of the Jesuit colonisation of Britain in 1815. The completion of the Jesuit colonisation in 1815 coincided with the complete takeover of the Papacy by the Jesuits in 1814. To achieve control of the Papacy the Jesuits had their asset Napoleon Bonaparte (Bonaparte was also tied to British Intelligence although this is a fact that is of no great surprise as Jesuit Intelligence and British Intelligence often worked in tandem) imprison Pope Pius VII for five years before he acquiesced to not only Jesuit control over the Papacy but also the restoration of the Jesuit Order. The restoration of the Jesuit Order was slightly farcical in some respects as although they had been suppressed the Jesuit Order had never faded and indeed it seems that they may have masterminded their own demise (banishment from France 1764 / banishment from Austria 1767 / suppression by Clement XIV 1773) to set in motion their colonisation of Britain, complete takeover of the Papacy and the destruction of France as a world-power (to thenceforth forever be a pawn of Britain). In opposite fashion to the Norman colonisation of Britain whence the Norman Aristocracy chased out the Anglo-Saxon Aristocracy through murder and exile the Jesuit Oligarchy instead left the Norman Aristocracy of Britain intact and the higher-echelon families of the Jesuit Oligarchy simply bred into the Norman Aristocracy of Britain. With the Norman peerage having remained in position (indeed the Jesuit colonisation may have failed without the support of the Cecil, Howard, Weld, Percy, Hawlin, Calvert and Petty [Shelburne] families) power has effectively been divided between the Jesuit Oligarchy and the Norman Aristocracy therefore with the Papacy and the Monarchy holding equal sway. The population of the land have remained serfs within a despotic Feudal Order. Napoleon's conquest of the Holy Roman Empire saw the abdication of Francis II and the baton of "Holy Roman Emperor" / "Augustus of the Romans" passed onto George III of England and is now represented by Queen Elizabeth II. The Holy Roman Papal Empire of Londinium is itself schizoid in its diarchic allegiances to both Pontiff Maximus and Caesar as well as the occurrence of two hierarchies ruling in tandem - one fanatically Papist, the other Darwinist. What monstrosity of thought could unite Ultra-Catholic theocrats and atheistic eugenicist technocrats? Seems only the genocidal vulgarity that is Malthusianism and the genesis of a synthetic Dark Age...
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